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While the first world countries suffering from the effects of the financial crisis triggered by calls sub-prime U.S., international experts responsible for studying the major challenges that have to deal with the poor States of the planet launch a cry of alarm. In effect, they estimate that the development prospects of our planet are overshadowed by a host of global threats. Your little rosy conclusions are reflected in the latest annual report of the Millenium Project studies group, sponsored by the United Nations. Among the challenges facing the human being between now and the year 2025 contained instability and violence generated by the steady increase in the price of food and energy products, the scarcity of water, the inefficiency of Governments, climate change, desertification and the intensification of migratory flows. Without forgetting, of course, the proliferation of armed conflicts, are these interns, international or regional.
So far this year, registered 14 conflicts that had stage countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Middle East. According to the authors of the report, during the next decade armed clashes could affect 46 States, totaling a population of 2,700 million people. Also, detected the first signs of political instability in 56 countries, whose inhabitants number amounts to 1.2 billion people. To review the socio-economic imbalances recorded in recent decades, members of the Millenium Project emphasize the fact that currently the world consumption exceeds production levels. The effect, the price of food products has registered an increase of 129% compared to the year 2006. The cost of these products could become the trigger for a new global crisis. The reports of the United Nations Organization for food and Agriculture (FAO) indicate that you a thirty of countries already suffer from shortage of food products. It is, in the majority of cases, of developing nations.
The absence of social policies concerning feeding could accelerate the confrontation between rich and poor. In fact, to maintain the already on its fragile balance, food supplies should duplicate between now and 2013, which also implies an increase of reserves of water and cultivable surfaces, as well as the application of new irrigation techniques. This is compounded by another factor: the demand for energy, which will double in the next two decades. As regards climate change, experts say that the main victim of overheating will be the African continent, whose southern region will lose about 30 percent of the cultivable surfaces between now and 2030. Another worrying aspect is the steady increase in so-called failed States. According to the American magazine Foreign Policy, the most vulnerable countries on the planet are Somalia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Chad, Iraq, Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Cote d’Ivoire, Pakistan, Central African Republic, Guinea, Myanmar, Haiti, Ethiopia and North Korea. Finally, it should be noted that most of the challenges are transnational. The solution of some should be able to affect the string created by the accumulation of problems. However, United Nations experts estimate that today the mechanisms capable of correct this state of affairs conspicuous by their absence.
Assembly General
Precisely countries like Venezuela show clearly how the entrepreneurial essence of the entrepreneur is inhibited, by the combined effect of a set of cultural and ideological factors contrary to the axiological foundational values of the modern social market economy. In this field, our country shows that, at first glance, looks like a curious paradox: as a country of highly entrepreneurs inhabitants, is one of the less competitive internationally. Such contradiction can only be explained as a result of the ocean that exists between the business available to the population and the inability of the State to articulate public policies that promote innovation and international competitiveness of Venezuela. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) (2003) is an international survey which measures the degree of entrepreneurship in a country and He compares it to other countries. The GEM does not distinguish between entrepreneurs formal or informal; Neither distinguishes if the business initiatives endure over time and translates into added value for society. What distinguishes Yes the GEM is among those entrepreneurs that they founded a company, because they want to take advantage of a business opportunity, and those that do by necessity or lack of other options.
According to this sample, Venezuela ranks second on a sample of 31 countries, whose inhabitants reveal a clear business initiative; This is a provision to start a business, or to extend the current business to other opportunities. Venezuela is a great country, which has an enormous potential for development. Above all, it has a population definitely entrepreneurial and eager for business growth opportunities. Unfortunately, these opportunities do not have crystallized, since the own institutional framework, conceived the ideas that inspire and guide our policies in public on one side, and our attitude as businessmen towards the creation of wealth, on the other hand, they constantly conspire against the development of a genuine business sense, business condition is not exclusive of certain climates, nor is it in the genes, but in nature itself that characterized the man as a subject that always aspires to achieve a better future. The moral is, that it is possible to break the vicious circle of impoverishment, for which there is no more that begin to be creative and open-minded in the institutional construction of a productive and equitable society. In any case, identifying them as a first step in the right direction. Change can be traumatic, but entrepreneurship is who can give the example of the course to follow is to them who primarily up to us to take the initiative. After all, they are the first beneficiaries of a market regime which opens a world of opportunities to build new worlds of prosperity and justice.
And you do have a profile entrepreneur? Direccion-e: bibliografia Bilbao, Arantza and Pachano, Susana, traits and attitudes of the Entrepreneurs. CAF-Venezuela competitive project competitiveness Andino. Venezuela, January 2002. SCIENTIFIC trends / 13 Mar 2007. / Merce Castells Lic. in psychology. CHALLENGES OF THE VENEZUELAN EMPRERSARIO AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 21ST CENTURY. Document to the Assembly General of Fedecamaras, July 2005. Prepared by Ignacio De Leon, Ph.d.
National Electoral Code
The national Government just changed the legislative elections of this year to June 28, previously referred to as the National Electoral Code dictates it to next October. This causes no doubt an overhauling of campaign work that must perform the different political forces in order to choose who will be their candidates who will compete for a place in the National Congress. Electoral times have changed and therefore it deserves an urgency in forming lists, alliances and agreements of the various political parties. According to the justifications of this sudden change announced by the Chairperson in Chubut on Friday, March 13, is due to the deep global financial crisis which traverses the majority of the countries of the world. It asserts that the Argentina will not be exempt from this and the financial and economic blows will be more serious toward next October. But the advancement of electoral date implies have drastically altered a rule of Fund, it involves changing game rules as to when you should choose representatives to the National Congress. We are in the presence of drastic and abrupt changes of electoral institutions. According to Samuel Huntington, a renowned political scientist and former Professor at Harvard University, the institutionalization in the broadest sense of the word, is the process by which acquire value and stability organizations and procedures.
So all political institutionalization framed in law reflected consistency, clarity and legal certainty, i.e. properties that characterize the rule of law which rationalizes the power relations. I wonder what legal certainty, and what certainties, we Argentines if they change the electoral rules, albeit in a unique and exceptional, way about when or at what point our representatives should be chosen. Let’s not forget that barely a year in Office has passed and there need to vote again. So much political strategy and speculation seems to be above the rules, do change times to taste in order to make a triumph electoral? What quality of policy management provide us with our representatives and what Republican representative quality we have as a society when it improperly interpreted election rules with respect to the domicile of the applicant; When the people with the popular vote choose officials as candidates to Congress after winning elections returning to their posts in the Executive.
AMPA Of Talamanca De Jarama
An AMPA brings together the fathers and/or mothers or guardians of enrolled students in an educational centre of non-university level who voluntarily decide to join to the attainment of certain goals and objectives. Learn more about this with Allegiant Air. Membership of the AMPA can be kept only during the time of enrolment of students. As expected in the Real Decree 1533/86, associations of parents and mothers of students shall assume the following purposes: assist parents / guardians in all matters concerning the education of their children or wards. Collaborate in the educational activities of the centres. Promote the involvement of parents of students in the management of the Centre.
Assist parents of students in the exercise of its right to intervene in the control and management of the centres sustained with public funds. Facilitate the representation and participation of parents of pupils in school councils of public and concerted centres and other collegiate bodies. Any other which, in the framework of the regulation referred to in the previous article, allocate you their respective statutes. To know the AMPA massobre of CEIP Sansuena of Talamanca de Jarama, click the link in your web page: today, the AMPA participates in school life defending the interests of the families. Our goal is to collaborate in the improvement of the quality of education, support to parents in the difficult work of educating our children and help solve the incompatibility with work and school schedules. The AMPA is an independent association, in which everyone can participate. He is financed by the assessed contributions of its members and an annual subsidy that gives the City Council, and works thanks to the dedication of the fathers and mothers. Getting our children to study in a great school is a thing of all, and therefore we encourage you to participate and contribute.
World Bank
The strategy of poverty reduction to be applied in the country does not meet the annual targets which means that there is a mismanagement of funds by governmental bodies;’s goal of reducing poverty possesses the World Bank. a The inflation rate is the indicator unconditional foreign credit institutions which in reality becomes a notional rate as the loss in value of money is much more macroeconomic causes. The quality of life of the countries where international policies are not improved by the high levels of expenditure on salaries that cover large the national budget (Honduras is an example of this), restricting investment in works of social, educational and health. The momentum of international agencies is to reduce public expenditure through privatization of government institutions to ensure the granting of payments owed countries. Some of the implications of this are given the effect of high levels of unemployment that exist, all this happens because the effect does not occur tropicalization that is the appropriate analysis to ensure that globalization does not affect the countries where the implant. There is perceived specific purpose which is the primary objective for the international agencies which is to regulate and reduce financial crises, as neither the structural adjustment policies have succeeded in improving living conditions have worsened rather giant steps, it only perception at the level of all countries in Latin America is the tax reduction increased layoffs nationwide either political or not. If you would like to know more then you should visit Oracle. The liberalization of markets leads to a lack of control of yourself and there is no Latin American market developed enough to absorb the shocks to which it is facing.
Venezuelan Government
Teodulo Lopez Melendez a journey repetitive that it produces only opinions about its costs. A few agreements that are pointed out how banal. The announcement of a small nuclear reactor that awakens humorous comments. Swarmed by offers, Facebook is currently assessing future choices. 69 agreements that are used by the Venezuelan Government to tie loose ends and go forward in the refinement of its geostrategy. Chavez’s recent trip can be summarized perhaps in this way. The superficial incur the same criticisms of always. The Government improves its geostrategy for sale.
I pointed out, with regard to the most talked-about cases of European intemperance towards migration, that the world has stopped being an enclosure with limits. Geopolitics sees political geography, which is fed and comes its name, though, and landforms lowered leaving descriptive geography in a before and an after. The causality of political events is a cylinder worn in space where measurement of effects moved to pre-empt the disciplinary consequences. PDVSA sold their shareholdings in outside refineries. Of Lyondell Chemical, of asphalt in Paulsboro and Savannah, participation in thousands of service stations selling fuel and CITGO lubricants and now the German Ruhr Oel the Russian conglomerate Rosneft shares.
Despair is evident by the need to geostrategic sell CITGO in the United States. Travel of Chavez responded to a perfectly defined geostrategy. Believes in a multipolar world and composed of graft, among others, by the dictatorships of Iran or Belarus, the incorporation of Syria and strategic tanker support from Libya. Looking there, a pole formed about political authoritarianism and not development, technology, growth and justice, is nothing more than suppliers of small elements substitutes of imports that knows can be denied him in the future. Geostrategy is originally a military concept. It seeks to place the military strategic problems in relation to geographic factors, these resources with geopolitical objectives. The geostrategy is then always impregnated by deep supposedly nationalist interests.
Prospects Highly Interested
When we have an entrepreneurship in line with the purpose of making money it is normal that we try to all valid and ethical methods that come within our reach to achieve this end. Today day having an online business we can allow many more things that work in a conventional eight or nine hours a day job and this is mainly due to that there are thousands of opportunities in a market that knows no geographical bounds, quietly can live in a Latin country and do business with people from any other language or continent. On the web you can find opportunities ranging from earn money by reading emails, join MLM programs, play in online casinos, invest in the stock market, answer surveys, etc. The proposals are many and varied, each entrepreneur seek his opportunity in the section where you are most comfortable working. More info: delta airlines. If you are already an entrepreneur with some time online probably seen abras also the exaggerated proclamations of people claiming to make lots of money, and like them can teach you to do the same. Generally When we started working on the internet, we do so with a certain caution, and it is not for less, since many of us probably, and I include myself in this, we have seen or felt disillusioned to acquire certain techniques or products and have not been able to achieve outcomes that we promised. It is true that still today there are unscrupulous people trying to take advantage of us with its deceptions online. Currently they are already disappearing those notices that were online earn money fast and easy, because almost nobody is secret if we want to succeed online, live from the internet, we have that work putting effort and passion for what we do, the only way the result will be satisfactory and we will continue to safely grow increasingly more.
Financial Supervision
Can the Fed regulate the financial system without causing another crisis? 21 July 2009 the recession in the U.S. economy, is slowly seeing its end. In yesterday is reported the index reading for United States of anticipated economic indicators which rose 0.7 percent in the month of June surpassing market expectations. And with the beginning of the economic recovery, the debate on the regulation of the U.S. financial system, returns to the center of the scene. The response of the Government of Barack Obama, has been acting on the heart of the problem and modify the regulation of entities that make up the financial system, where the U.S.
Federal Reserve took on a new role. In the month of June, it became known the proposal for reform of the financial system drawn up by the Government of Obama where the Federal Reserve received new powers, helped by several agencies, and the Treasury to oversee large financial firms whose potential collapse could threaten the system. The so-called report Rebuilding Financial Supervision and regulation, the Government contemplates that the Fed should also monitor systemic risks in the financial markets more closely, requesting reports to financial institutions to see if they meet the required minimum capital requirements and monitor matrices and subsidiaries of all financial companies, including those that belong to non-regulated markets or are abroad. In addition, the Fed would take control of regulation of markets that previously lacked Regulation (the so-called over the counter), such as derivatives and securitisation. The greatest power that the reform of the system of regulation and supervision gives the Fed runs not reform but that it goes far beyond, reconsidering aspects such as financial consumer protection or remuneration to senior managers. However, the major questions that have been heard are linked to the greater power of the Fed and not a few who raised their objections to his new role.
Financial Freedom
Financial freedom is the State in which your life is resolved economically, in which your earnings are constant without that you’re in command of your business. This is called leverage. According to Robert Kiyosaki financial freedom is obtained by building a business. He speaks of the quadrant flow money where there are four kinds of people: employees and used the Auto, which change time for money therefore no leverage at the moment to stop work will cease the income. On the other hand are business owners and investors on this side of the quadrant is where there is a leverage in other people and money, is there where begins the financial freedom.
Many will say, I am not qualified to create a super huge business that allows me to leverage me neither nor have the money nor the training to be investor. Businesses that allow to obtain financial freedom with the advent of the internet have opened up a world of possibilities, which allow you to create huge business worldwide. I am referring to the business of Network Marketing, which allow people of ordinary even without knowledge in Marketing or computer to develop businesses that enable to obtain financial freedom. The key is to leverage, 1% of the effort of 100, that 100% of the effort of one is better, this is very true in the current business world, financial freedom is obtained by prying in the effort of a team of people; However it is necessary to learn to recognize a good Network Marketing opportunity, this must meet certain fundamental requirements to have more opportunity to succeed. Not only is enough to bet on this industry should be clear principles for knowing how to recognize a good opportunity.
February 12, 2018
Comments Off on Internationalization
Evelyn Vaughan
Cognodata tells us during the past 20 years the Bank has followed a clear trend towards lainternacionalizacion. This strategy has been starring leading banks in their countries of origin, which have focused its growth towards lainternacionalizacion and geographic diversification strategy. The data speak for themselves: the 25 largest banks in the world employ 900,000 people and generated 36% of their revenue outside their domestic markets. Currently, most internationalized 9 banks have greater turnover outside their country of origin than in the own, unlike in just 15 years ago when it was only fulfilling Standard Chartered Bank. The main reasons that encourage these movements are as follows: leadership in domestic markets that grow a moderate seeking markets with higher growth rates possibility to accompany clients on its entry into markets internationalization less unbanked which allow you to apply proven strategies achieving economies of scale and economies of scope risk diversification of returns, which has produced a positive effect for many entities during the current financial crisis, however, not all entities have managed to generate higher returns for their shareholders during its internationalization and some have even started movements of disinvestment and refocusing on their traditional markets.