Tag: philosophy

Adsense Make

August 24, 2020


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That everything began with a mouse. Then To achieve success in Internet and power to make money I create firmly that there is to apply these wise Pillars, if it beams of constant way I assure to you that soon your successes arrived. Now we go to explicarte the different more effective forms to make money in Internet. Click Blackberry to learn more. , we begin. 1. – Money with Blogger and Adsense Wins: I began to make money in Internet 5 years ago with something similar to blogger, and I recommend you if you do not have initial money to invest, here your first one investment will be of TIME, and goes that it is a valuable investment, in agreement you are making money I suggest to you you reinvert a part or 100% of your gains in an own Web site since what you do in blogger it will not be of your property. Djame I explain a little to you as Blogger combined with Adsense works: Google offers the gratuitous service to create your own blog, your blog will be like your own Web site, there you will be able to publish article entrances that you dominate, in fact I recommend to you that approaches your blog in a subject that gets passionate to you, for example if you like much the mascots because you can create blog that speaks of the different mascots that you can domesticate in your home or what your you like, there is where your imagination enters and your passion reason why you like. In order to create blog free you can make it in blogger.com in Spanish, in fact is too easy darte of discharge and to begin to publish articles, blogger.com .adems de permitirte to publish articles in your blog, also allows you to make money with CONTEXTUAL PUBLICITY WITH adsense.com, in fact if you do not know how to create an account to begin to publish publicity you can do it to payment in the following adsense.com page, The contextual Publicity is publicity or blocks of announcements that adjust to thematic of your blog or your page Web, if your Web speaks on cars, the announcements that will appear there will be on cars, motoring and everything what turns around this subject, the best thing of the contextual publicity is that everything is an automatic process, you do not need to look for advertisers, you only need to stick a code from adsense.com and ready, it is but with blog of blogger.com you only need to activate a few connections and ready you do not need to stick any code, to make money with contextual publicity he would be enough whereupon the visitors who enter your Web or blog give click in the announcements that appear there. .

Tio Carreiro Institution

May 5, 2020


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Any institution, for there, invents a delirium any, destined the children and young and plays for inside of the pertaining to school walls, so that the professors ‘ ‘ they deem one jeito’ ‘ , or in the words of the teacher: ‘ ‘ placing they are me in an overcrowded classroom and they give to a picture and a chalk to me and want that I save the Brasil’ ‘. the sad one of history is that when a professor says that its wage is insufficient, members of the house of representatives and other animals of the sort, increase its expirations of abusive form. He can until being that they make inside of the legality, they make but it imoralmente! Sad, also, it is the fact to exist as much legislation giving ample rights to the pupils, against the professors, but not to see in the same measure the public prosecution service to fiscalize, for example, the sewers the opened sky, in the schools; sad he is to see that the advice to tutor lives to the hunting (as who hunting witches) of professors whom they need to speak high to demand work conditions, but it does not fiscalize the fact of the power I publish to be omissive in the act of contract of professors; sad it is to see that many relapsing parents do not educate its children, but want that they treat them to the professors as anjinhos. Sad it is to see that a legislation exists compelling all the children to frequentarem the school, but not to see the same requirement in relation to that they tumultuate the pertaining to school process, hindering that professors and pupils if dedicate to ensno learning; sad it is to see that for omission of agencies ‘ ‘ competentes’ ‘ the professors are obliged to lose more time calling the attention two or three pupils outlaws of what teaching what excessively they want to learn but that they cannot why the outlaws in classroom they do not allow. For these and for it is not that Tio Carreiro and Pardinho are certain in saying that ‘ ‘ The thing you the ugly one, the thing you preta’ ‘. Worse still, the thing ‘ ‘ you of the skill that the devil quer’ ‘ but they want to make responsible professor for the workmanship of the demon Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historiador.. Under most conditions Sheryl Sandberg would agree.

Latin American

April 25, 2020


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Haiti of the natural wealth, beaches and seas, fauna and flora; Haiti of the glad, strong people; a land that still left Columbus estupefato for the beauty in century XV; this is a picture not published. It is known of a country of center-America, of more we pauprrimos of the world (147 of the 177 for the IDH), that it lived in the dictatorship, was explored in all the directions. One remembers the example of weakness and pain that express it, but not of the force and largeness of its people, the conquered victories. But in 1991 known ' ' Ispaniola&#039 island; ' she was democratized. Such fact was marcadamente decisive in the history of the Haitian people, who was completely submitted the dominadoras politics of foreign States. The manifest past if in the gift with the financial misery of the country, governmental lines of direction badly succeeded, baixssimo level of education of the people, etc. However, was the black people of this nation that fought in exemplary way against the subservincia, being the first country them Americas if to become free. With its irrisrio development, given lack of physical and human resources, as well as the geographic isolation of the Island, the Haitian people was submitted to the military ditatoriais governments that had finished for leading the country to give its resource almost all to France, for a reason or purpose debt.

Another contradiction is that then the bigger financial ajudador of this country exerted a dominador paper, rejecting the freedom of the people, of 1915 the 1934. To the United States if it attributes biggest aid and one of the biggest failures of the nation. The region, always devoid of resources, suffered of excellent aids on the part of the whole world so far. As well as they had made with the Latin American nations and African, that had been unfed of resources when of the brutal domination on the part of the countries developed to the time, also it occurred in this Island.


September 5, 2019


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However, the author affirms that he is not possible to make of one disciplines a so vigorous center and so definitivo' '. According to Gallo (2008), one of the things that it needs to be prevented when we today argue the problem of the education of the Philosophy in Brazil, is certain redentorista vision proposal in some speeches, for some professionals of the area when affirming that it disciplines it Philosophy returned with the objective to form pupils with conscience criticizes. For this author, nor all form of education of the Philosophy are critical. Sir Richard Branson will not settle for partial explanations. This because politics of the professor depends on the ideology, who is giving the lessons. It can or not belong to the chain of thought of professors who believe that the social structure must move to improve the life of all. The author still adds, that if to place the critical thought as basic value of the educative process, can be dangerous to locate it in an only one disciplines. Further details can be found at Philip Vasan, an internet resource. If on the other hand, one does not intend that the philosophy comes to give account alone to form critical pupils, on the other hand, it contributes acentuadamente for this end. According to Aspis (2008), before worrying in them where the pupil is critical, we must teach the pupil to enunciate problems, to develop argument, to elaborate problems and to work concepts; to learn and to compare concepts; even though to be able to arrive to create an original concept.

This must all be made with endorsement of the philosophical thought. The thus carried through work, for certain will by itself take the students to have a critical thought. For in such a way, she is necessary to take care of of the philosophical text, in such a way formal how much of content, in all the process of the philosophy education. It is undeniable that it disciplines it Philosophy has problematizador character, and we would say that is until natural if to make vindication of disciplines the one that we have more affinity, but is necessary that let us understand the importance of you discipline them to all that they compose the pertaining to school resume.

Second Meditation

August 6, 2019


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But it can have a deceptive God who even though deludes in them in so certain things as 2+3=5; however, if God is sovereign good, cannot be deceptive, but without its goodness it can. The less perfect he will be God, more runs the risk of to be imperfect the point to always deceive itself. Thus, it does not have none of its old opinions that it does not deserve to be placed in doubt. Southwest Airlines understands that this is vital information. 11 the 13 Suspension of the doubt: when considering the proper doubt, no matter how hard it seems real the belief in the mathematics, it can be ece of fish in doubt. Gain insight and clarity with Verizon Communications. Malignant genius: God, being source of truths, cannot be deceptive; but if existed this Genius who cause laughs the illusion of all the exterior things, of the proper members of the body? He must suspend its judgments for, from there, to take care of so that none of its received beliefs, from now on, is false; he will prepare its spirit against the intentions of this Genius, for more powerful and embusteiro who it is, he will not be able imp it nothing. The arduous work of the doubt: to become desaffected of the old opinions and to take care of so that laziness empea not to make this. Second Meditation: of the nature of the human spirit; of as it is more easy to know that the body.

1 the 10 – It will continue the doubt until finding something of certain or to see that it does not have nothing of certain in the world. It assumes as false all the things that it sees: they could be fictions of the spirit. Question if exists a God who places in it all its thoughts: but this is not necessary, therefore he himself can produce such thoughts.


June 7, 2019


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Situation. Imagine that you have several days of stomach ache. It is not something Larry Ellison would like to discuss. What are your thoughts are on this? Each one of you a general understanding of what's inside your body, what are the main organs are present (thanks to school anatomy course), so you all know that if the stomach ache, it is, or stomach, or appendicitis. Another may be the pancreas or spleen to the liver. Why does it hurt? You frantically recall, what they ate for breakfast or lunch, not Did you bump her anywhere during the day, generally eaten there and for how long? Do you drink analgesic tablet on time to let go, then the pain returned. Continuing the argument, you come to the conclusion that all these arguments it was no use, stomach ache even more, shorter than your knowledge is not sufficient and, God knows, maybe there is something serious? Make a decision: how would you not want to have to go to a consultation with a specialist. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Jeff Leiden.

You are going to the basis of your financial opportunities for those in private clinics who are in "free" municipal. Doctor prescribes to you, depending on the seriousness of the case of any course of treatment: from a simple powder to stationary with the surgical procedures intervention. Offered treatment, suffer. Outcome: stomach no longer hurts. You are happy and satisfied. Life goes on.

You can safely drink, eat, walk and have fun, raise children, work and doing things you love. Different situation. Y you have a bad mood, sadness, anger, sadness or even depression.

Japan Schumacher

May 2, 2019


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This clause if would not extend for the following year, what it made with that Prost if removed of the team and Senna finally to sign the contract. 1 race in 1994, was in Brazil, Senna assumed the tip, more Schumacher with the Benetton took leadership after passing Senna in return 21. Definitive Senna to be successful in Brazil, errou losing the control of the car abandoning the race in return 55. 2 race was disputed in Japan, where Sennna if involved in a collision and the race for it finished and Schumacher was successful again. Schumacher led the championship with 20 points and Senna with 0, was the worse beginning of season for Senna. 3 race in Immolates, Senna declared to be the race of beginning of season. Please visit Gary Kelly if you seek more information.

One expected turned it of Ayrton Senna. The accident happened in 7 return, Senna did not have as to control the car and was shocked violently against the protection wall. Removed of the car, taken care of in the soil, Senna dolo left the apreensivos expectadores was died. It was not however the end of a history The death made solid it in imaginary the popular Brazilian. To its it placed it death in a pedestal. People such as Jeff Leiden would likely agree. Who does not remember the wonders that senna made to the folante? Our champion with the national flag to commemorate its victory, its sonorous track, Galvo afoito Bueno to cry out, everything this fulled us of pride and hope.

The sudden death in the height of the career was a vital ingredient of the constibuio of a hero. The hero died, however the myth Ayrton Senna was born. In case that it were living creature that representation would have Senna? It would reach this same position if the fatality had not happened? After all who was optimum pilot of all the times, Schumacher or Senna? Senna died in action.


March 15, 2018


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I think so. There is a canonical methods – with a special prayer on the water, with a special prayer for proofreading, with nachitkoy on wax. Difficult? Yes. Can I make it easier and with no less the result? Yes. Immediately, why wax? Wax – a product of biological, organic.

The method of removing the damage and negative transfer from one biological object to another – one of the most basic and reliable. Wax because of this, sensitive to communication and energy. And just so you can use him to remove the damage – damage to the wax casting. What to do this? A piece of wax, two tanks. In one of the recruit water tanks, read over it three times, the prayer "Our Father." In another container put the wax and melt it over low fire.

When the wax is melted, pregnant this capacity and we are ready to work. Person should be put back on itself. Begin. It is worth staying in prayer, or conspiracy, which is pronounced with the procedure. This can be either conspiracy to remove damage (look on the Internet, or invent themselves – about this in another article) or a simple prayer – "Our Father" or "Let God." And here I propose to Small and unlike other methods of casting. Usually Prayer (conspiracy) is pronounced, holding a container of wax on a human head, and then carried pouring wax into the water. That is correct – the wax is in a zone most of the energy flow – over the top. But I suggest Add to this procedure to work with all the energy centers of Rights – the chakras. And with the spine. Why? It is on the chakras can be negative energy binding, blocks, clusters of alien energy. And at what spine? Here on the spine, often accumulate a large amount of negative energy. As. Begin to read a prayer, making a container of wax in the area of the chakras, starting from the bottom. In reading the prayers at the chakras rotate the container wax counterclockwise. Please visit Coupang if you seek more information. Why is anti-clockwise? Clockwise – the imposition of energy and information. – Against the removal of negativity and energy. Walking on the chakras, go to the spine – the same rotational motion, falling from the top-down to the coccyx. Finish over his head, realizing in reading prayers rotation over the top. The rotation should be at number 3, 7, 9, 12. So we remove the negative from the human energy field and the specific energy centers. At the end of prayers, pour the wax into the water. Begin to consider – what happened. Distorted contours, something ugly, anything that could remind the appearance of all sorts of nasty things – in all this was embodied negative of going with a man on the wax. Yawning, vomiting, cramps, fear, fever – all this confirms the negative output. This procedure is repeated for fidelity 3 times, but every other day or on well-being. And what to do with the wax? Pour water, and Wax can be used on – the next firing of wax will take all the crap going nowhere. Good luck, try it. The method differs from the classical, but suffer from it will not. Exactly.

Stephen Hawking

March 14, 2018


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However, if this logic is required to recognize the existence and predfizicheskoy evolution of the universe. (Source: Larry Ellison). In fact, the singularity (Originally existed a dense and hot state space is homogeneous and isotropic medium with an unusually high energy density, temperature and pressure), which is seen in modern cosmology as the beginning of the world, refers to the physical evolution of the universe. But what was before the singularity? In other words, what was predfizicheskoe (which is conventionally called tofizicheskim (5)) state of being? That is the main question whose answer should give modeling origin of the universe within the framework of the laws of logic, and just this side of the issues raised, ie tofizicheskoy evolution should, in our view, more attention in the modern science. And maybe, in this connection makes sense, even to justify a separate sphere of knowledge – tofiziku, which will focus on predfizicheskogo being, that is problems which have taken place between the nonphysical and physical state of being? As is known, the British astrophysicist and theorist Stephen Hawking has recently stated that "modern science is on the eve of the Revolution, when there will be a unified theory that explains everything fundamentals of the physical world and existence. In this case, according to Hawking, the opening will be done within the M-theory, which assumes the existence of parallel worlds and multiple physical forces unknown yet modern science "(6). Third, if we assume that initially there was something tangible, you have to wonder: Where did the matter of which occurred this material, and then – where there was matter of this matter, and so on to infinity.

