Tag: reach

Ivo Duchacek

August 7, 2020


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As said the political scientist Ivo Duchacek, Nationalism divides humanity into units mutually intolerant. He was not referring to peripheral, such as the Basque or catalan nationalism, but is perfectly applicable. Can we change the situation? The damage done, in many cases is irreparable, but yes, we are on time tack course. More urgent is to reform the Electoral law and regulations of Congress and Senate. Congress has to be a forum for national parties, able to defend with the same intensity, the tomatoes of El Ejido or the Asturian fabes, and the Senate should be the House of regional representation, where no national parties, may propose legislative accountabilities, that subsequently go through Congress. On the other hand, we must recover any of the powers transferred to the autonomous communities, and the most important thing is education, leaving space for each territory, can deepen in the study of their own cultural traits, but of course, formative trunk has to be common in all Spain. Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act describes an additional similar source. Today, authentic atrocities in some textbooks, for example in the ones used by the ikastolas, can be read is the Spanish as invaders of Euskal Herria. Toddler clothing has much experience in this field.

No comment. The political awkwardness of los partidos de ambito Spanish, has given wings to exclusionary nationalism. Never too late to react, but it is urgent. Reforming the Electoral law and modify functions and representation of the cameras, is something basic to advance in the right direction, without forgetting an Education Ministry with powers for the whole of the State. Honestly, I have little hope for these reforms are carried out, mostly because even in the PP, some autonomous sectors sail in the opposite direction. Do not put hands to work, insatiable nationalistic selfishness, fed by the PP and PSOE, consentidores will continue deepening the so unfair how unconstitutional, differentiation of citizens depending on the autonomous community of residence. When he begins to speak of rights to territories, ends with the rights of citizens. And is that in Spain we are all equal, but as Orwell’s pigs, some more than others.

Leonardo Da Vinci

May 30, 2019


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One of the biggest dreams of man always has been flying through the air freely, for which has had to make different kinds of studies in order to achieve at least one means which make possible to be able to sail the airs, which gave went after many attempts and studies to aircraft, with which began the story of the man in the air and to be able to improve this activity followed several studies that made that such activity out more secure and will take place in a manner optimal, cone which was born Aeronautics as the science of everything related to aircraft, such as contraction, management of these great machines. By it so much all what relates to the aircraft or other elements of aviation, will be object of study of aeronautics. Jeff Leiden can provide more clarity in the matter. With the above way, speaking of Aeronautics will be making mention of science devoted to the study, design and construction of different machines have the ability to be able to soar in the air, in addition to the set of skills and techniques that make it possible to manage and control of aircraft. An aspect that should bear in mind when speaking of Aeronautics, aerodynamics, which trafficking in different behaviors and movements that may have appliances that are moved in the air and one of whom are aircraft, so the aerodynamics is also part of the study of Aeronautics due to its importance in terms of the correct displacement which should have different aircraft. Worth making a distinction between what is the aviation and aeronautics, since constantly both terms are thus confused Aeronautics refers to a field more general, as it is all related to the aircraft, while aviation refers only to the handling of aircraft. Talking about the beginnings of Aeronautics, the first theme that I try in reference to this science was referring to air and therefore aerodynamic, more forward began to design several appliances made in order to soar into the air, appeared where characters such as Leonardo Da Vinci, who was based in the flight of birds, without however the machine that ideo did not have the expected results, with the passage of time began to devise the gliders. The man continued in the struggle of being able to sail the heavens and thus best gliders that meant the first flights were developed makes you good distance, which meant a great step forward in the field of Aeronautics, but with the passage of time and the development of Aeronautics was given a new invention that I mean a new was in relation to Aeronautics and the arrival of the internal combustion engineswhich allowed boost artifacts by air and were given two forms of flight studied aeronautics, one that is about the appliances more lightweight than air, that would be airships and another that would be the apparatus heavier than air that would be airplanes and from this Aeronautics dispensing his field of study to improve every day everything related to aircraft.

