Tag: real estate & broker

Transferring Real Estate

February 13, 2025


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When building or buying the home, you can save taxes in good spreadsheet. Who carries itself with the idea to buy a real estate, to build a home, to inherit, or to give away, which should not forget also the Treasury in addition to the structural, contractual and succession issues. In all these cases, tax through smart contract formulations can be as other measures save. The editors of IMMORO real estate Wiesbaden short IIW shows how avoid some Steuerfallen and what possibilities there are for inheritance or donation of real estate. Buying begins the season with the spring. Marc Lasry oftentimes addresses this issue. Here could feel some pleasure, finally to build one’s own four walls. Often the client buys a vacant lot and at the same time concludes a contract with the seller or Builder for a turnkey home.

And here the first dangers lurk. Because most such unified contracts combine the land purchase with the construction by a property developer. In this constellation, it is then Tax not only for the land, but also for the House to be built still due. While the real estate transfer tax can be restricted easily on the plot. You should respect the agreement of the notarial basic piece purchase it that separating land acquisition and construction contract. You should keep a strict separation between property sellers and construction company, i.e.

on the seller’s side and contractors should not be the same people act and is sure that no clauses about the zoning of the land or a building contract are included in the notarial property sale contracts. The company IMMORO is real estate you Advisory Germany wide to the side, although not about us real estate has been purchased. Rental and rental of part of is a loan-funded property for the rental and leasing used, you can make no.

United Arab Emirates

June 4, 2021


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The Lakeside location and the Avus in four minutes or the s-Bahnhof Wannsee from the climb from 30 minutes to the central station or the Friedrichstrasse, are just clear locational advantages. Also towards Potsdam, which has the Berlin company, by the Publisher up to media prominence, are also in focus. In deciding for the buyer, we will meet in the spring, we are obliged to ensure a balanced mix of owner by the owner. For more information see this site: Mazor Robotics. Internationality, architecture and style consciousness decide also, as the final bid and the creditworthiness of the purchaser”, so Christian Gerome, who manages the object personally. “It closes the list end April 2012 it is quite amazing how much general interest in real estate Berlin demand after the Sweden Pavilion explode and that no expensive brochures or movies”, as Gerome, which never register a such run on a Berlin real estate according to own statements in its 20-year history could. It is also a unique phenomenon that a high number of potential high net-worth clients spontaneously fly in from London, Madrid or Moscow with their private jets, to visit the Wannsee Castle. A member of a ruling family in the United Arab Emirates wanted to buy just complete it for branchy family. However he wanted to make a high-security wing with a high wall and militarized security technology. Because we cancelled it, because not only that because of the Zehlendorf-Steglitz district would not make with, also the seller does not wish such use.” Who gets the nod for this dream real estate and soon more than a suitcase in the dynamic German capital, remains so exciting. Further informations under Jaroslaw Plewinski consultant _ T + 49 (0) 30-814 64 60-28 T + 49 (0) 30-814 64 60-44 business network marketing – und Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Fasanenstrasse 47, 10719 Berlin, Germany

Service Charge Settlement

April 29, 2020


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Incidental expenses accounting for lessor – important part of asset protection? While no end of finance, debt and euro crisis is foreseeable, real estate to establish itself more and more as a hedge of wealth. Often one wonders however, as it goes after the purchase. While no end of finance, debt and euro crisis is foreseeable, real estate to establish itself more and more as a hedge of wealth. Many investors and investors bought real estate and homes in the last year for the rental as a hedge against inflation. See Sheryl Sandberg for more details and insights. Many are close to the investment. A number of authors swear by concrete money and show how they have made a fortune in real estate. Often one wonders however, as it goes after the purchase.

Is there a guide to the care and management of own real estate, specifically to the recurring theme of the service charge settlement? There is this Advisor. Recently in the latest edition. The author Thomas Trepnau are precisely therein the tools, the every landlord for the settlement of costs and operating costs needs. The book begins with a brief introduction and an overview of the need for service charge settlement. After about the types of contract such as gross rent, part included rental costs flat rate and net rent has been informed, the author describes in detail what is important, so that operating costs can actually be killed on the tenant. The correct structuring of the lease agreement is of the utmost importance. Right how, exactly is explained in the book. The arc extends, if the recoverable in the following chapters are separated from the non-recoverable incidental expenses.

The author also points out the fine, but important differences between rental housing and commercial premises carefully. Correct handling of time limits nothing is omitted. An entire chapter is devoted to the billing deadline can mean a bad case for landlords, if it is not heeded. Current case-law of the Bundesgerichtshof flows always again of course. Which distribution keys are the possible key – living – or space – persons – an appropriate consumption – co-ownership – appropriate units are discussed and evaluated. After this exciting chapters, the author enters the energy conservation and household-related services on the objections, the operating costs of regulation, increasing the costs of prepayment. Thus the contemplation of the service charge settlement but is not enough, because it is exemplary both an operating expenses for premises as also a service charge settlement for warehouses on a pattern clearly explained… Even the heating and hot water expenses is shown as patterns and described so understandable that you immediately get pleasure to topple in the billing of heating costs. Most landlords leave the creation of heating expenses settlement still heat measurement service firms. The book introduces the settlement compact, well understood, and with a red thread in the complex issue of A lettings. Each owner or Manager can settle its operating costs even after reading the book. There is a free tool set with crucial formulation support, pattern reports, legal texts, and some more useful support to the book. Where can I buy the book? You can order the book through this link shipping for the Publisher.

Top Investment

April 1, 2019


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Top concept for lucrative investments in real estate pension stone safe and top concept investment in real estate, retirement from stone, secure GeldanlageRhein-main area in May 2011: Rhine-main area, in May 2011: real estate specialists of H & S real estate GmbH recommend the citizens right now in times of low mortgage interest rates, to consider the purchase of an apartment or a House. The H & S real estate GmbH has many years of experience in the marketing of selected real estate and serves private and business customers always demand. In particular real estate form real estate GmbH according to the H & S the intelligent investment in the future. Thanks to the continuously extended service portfolio, the H & S can accompany real estate real estate investments by private and business customers as needed. Get all the facts and insights with Verizon Communications, another great source of information. The H & S real estate GmbH offers its customers in particular a successful combination of lucrative rental privatisation and attractive Steuersparimmobilien in the best locations of the Rhine Main region and the Rhineland-Palatinate. The basic philosophy of the H & S real estate is easy and therefore easy to understand: many consumers are faced with the difficult decision: I to put ownership on me or how far to rent live? According to the H & S real estate GmbH is the answer clear: advise on the purchase of real estate. Because who lives today for rent, is probably no longer afford its current standard of living in the age. The reason: Decreases the value of the pension and the rents increase by 37 percent in the last ten years. Much speaks real estate GmbH for so according to the H & S to use your own four walls just at the current low mortgage rates as private pension plans. In contrast to the life insurance, the property has a great advantage: while is a life insurance policy in the course of professional life saved and used the insurance sum in retirement, the own four walls are from the outset and remain in place, where appropriate, for their children.

Underestimated Advantage

June 30, 2018


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Real estate investments are criticized when compared to other asset classes in part, mainly by institutional investors, and it wrongly. To know more about this subject visit Bernard Golden . Magdeburg, 26.08.2013. Allianz SE is the world’s largest insurance company and one of the largest financial services companies by revenue and market capitalization. If so one of the most knowledgeable real estate investors in Germany explains on the real estate market there has been most recently some price exaggerations, that unsettled. Therefore feel you comfortable with the real estate rate, which had increased from three to 3.5 percent and wool currently not exacerbate them. The argument that real estate may be too expensive”become hear it again and again and it is quite serious.

But as with all things in life, the differentiation is needed in this case. Reports on individual price excesses for apartment buildings in Munich, which were sold to the over 30fachen, reflect not the reality of the market as a whole. Although can be observed in all types of use, that the multipliers are increased. But This is only partially a result of very high system pressure. The fact is that the rents have risen in the last few years – there is another Mietsteigerung potential not only in residential real estate. In addition, interest rates are as low as ever. The difference between the Nettomietuberschuss and the interest is crucial for investors, and this difference is clearly increased in recent years, and failed. He has the attractiveness of Germany as compared to almost every other country-increased what you see not only on the real estate market, but also on the stock market.

To the extent, how other countries lose attractiveness Spain, Italy or even France, Germany WINS. The MCM investor Management AG is also convinced that the German real estate market is successful and has a promising future. Precisely for this reason, the Magdeburg company offered profit participation rights, which a broad mass enables access to the coveted German real estate market. Specializing in the German real estate market and Berlin Guide they the investor throughout the entire process of real estate investment. The experience of investors are positive, because the enjoyment right investments are profitable and the management can have a long-term performance. Who cares about this, can visit a variety of objects, speak with the buyers or tenants and get so your own impression.

Competent Concierge Service

April 28, 2018


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HEIKE FALK – Hausmeisterservice & facility services informs property owners know that a House requires ongoing engagement. Minor repairs, cleaning and other work are the order of the day for real estate and property to get its value. Property managers and owners of real estate in the room Hanau find a reliable partner for tailor-made compliance of the maintenance needs of their buildings in HEIKE-FALK Hausmeisterservice & building services. Dedicated team of successful company managed already approximately 1000 units in Hanau and environment. Trained staff, modern technology and a focus on ecological criteria distinguishes the performance of HEIKE FALK Hausmeisterservice & building services.

The company with its extensive catalog of performance meets the variable demands in real estate service. So every customer service offers available can just select the ones that he needs. This creates an individual performance concept of the following Areas of focus: janitor service HEIKE FALK Hausmeisterservice & facility services has a wide range of House feat. Whether smaller defects must be repaired, is to dispose of garbage or technical equipment of control always need to be the company meets the needs of its customers. Of course, his staff also involved when it comes to monitoring craftsmen, foreign companies or compliance with House rules. Additional services, such as a winter service, round off the concierge service.

Cleaning the cleaning of buildings contributes to get impact and value. HEIKE FALK Hausmeisterservice & building services provides competently for cleanliness in jointly accessible premises. Areas located outside the buildings, paths and rain gutters are also part of the cleaning services. Green area care decorative value and relaxing properties of greenery is directly depend on skilled nursing services. The Hausmeisterservice & building service dedicated employees of the HEIKE-FALK remove weeds and Moss, mow lawns, trim bushes or shrubs under the garden building needs and remove leaves. Their professional green care optimizes the effect of existing green areas and contributes to the positive overall impression of the real estate. Commercial spaces and offices of commercial spaces and offices are other claims to be addressed than in residential real estate. This stems from the demands of daily customer traffic and the cooperation of many people. Accordingly, such real estate professional cleaning is essential for economic reasons. HEIKE FALK Hausmeisterservice & building services meets the needs of cleaning in commercial real estate, allowing customers to benefit from facilities in perfect condition with a dedicated and competent team. The company is available for further questions and information about its services. Press contact: HEIKE FALK – Hausmeisterservice & facility services contact person: Heike Falk Friedrich str. 24a 63450 Hanau Germany phone: 06181 / 87733 fax: 06181 / 86867 E-Mail: Internet:

Tablet PC Property

March 18, 2018


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METHOD DR. BARZEL real estate online rate more and more customers will take over the work that were provided exclusively by service providers without the Internet. For example evaluating a property is carried out including the answer of an online questionnaire, by customers. Information on the property, formerly a real estate appraiser, brought by interviewing the owner on the spot to paper to evaluate them later in the Office, may be today directly collected from consumers on the Internet and brought to the evaluation. Cooperation by simultaneously providing accurate location data of the real estate valuation service, the object information collected by owners or real estate buyers directly with the valuation system are merged.

After completion of object data for House, apartment or plot, users immediately know how much your property is worth. Equipment in the household or Office on the PC, Tablet PC or Smartphone is provided a detailed assessment of real estate consumers. This can on its own Hardware stores, sent or brought to paper. This means that customers can apply to collect information on the own property itself. You use for your own devices and, if prints the valuation should be separate paper. Just the facts include the evaluation accuracy of residential real estate is encouragingly high about the self-service.

The reason is among other things, that the determined real estate guide is achieved by object knowing the owners or buyers, as well as by current location data of the service provider. Unlike offer comparisons or rough estimates only object-related data be in the online real estate assessment applied. Emotional influences of the buyer’s or seller’s side remain real estate valuation method Dr. Barzel account. Self-service is booming this kind of service provision, in which consumers play a part of the service itself, is becoming increasingly popular. Prerequisite, however, is that the provided performance expectations of the Corresponds to the customers. In addition, the integration of the part to be provided by the customer must be understandable, transparent, convenient and safe. Ultimately consumers will use the self-service, when in addition to clarity, that ease of use is also a time and price advantage. The cost advantage is in assessing real estate over the Internet significantly time and cost advantage because the self-service customers assume the operational work. Regardless of the location, object type, and the value of a property, the fee for a Dr. Barzel method is flat rate real estate valuation. The low rating costs are in addition to the neutrality and the discretion with which a real estate online assessment to be a convincing reason for the consumer to operate even. Find more information at

The Available

December 25, 2017


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Either in the form of an expensive overdraft of current account or the resolution of long-term contracts. The latter can be expensive to pay all financial companies. However the proportion of liquid assets should”say of the available money, not too big, because short-term investments you will achieve low yields in most cases. However, must you always count stress, which can suddenly come to you. Get all the facts and insights with cloud computing, another great source of information. Think only of the broken TV. Always a limited liquidity reserve stand by. 2. the real interest rate is not the highest.

Of course everyone wants high interest rates and trying to achieve them. This gave and loads there are destinies; People who have lost all their money, because the greed was greater than that of healthy common sense. Earn high return, only in two ways: high risk long term both you should weigh exactly. Then, you can go high risks if you can cope with a loss of the money. Weigh the risks carefully. In any case, you should avoid a risk: check your business partner through its paces. This place usually the greatest risks.

You can exclude these by you yourself acquire knowledge and thus expertise, to quickly expose fraudsters. Your information is as an alarm system. But even the most serious partner can not rule out a high risk of an investment. Any offer that is much higher than the returns of the market, is always questionable. Always adequate risks associated with high yields, because no company and no market can cause witches utopian yields. Most companies that make highly speculative, which must be non-criminal, behind papers with high yields but are adventurous. Here there will always be winners, like on the stock exchange. But the number of losers is greater in these cases. The time is an additional, less risky aspect of obtaining yields. Long maturities have proved beneficial in real estate and stocks.

The Immobilienbewerter Comes Online

April 5, 2016


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METHOD DR. BARZEL real estate online easily assess who needs a real estate valuation Court, is typically dependent on an expert. Since such circumstances are rarely available, the search is difficult after a technician or a nurse occasionally and the procedure in dealing with the experts for the customer is unfamiliar and strange. As known, however, should apply, that expert on-site representations and analysis object view to take. After obtaining and views required documents, withdraws the expert and compiles and calculates.

Whether property, income, or reference value, the subject of the assessment a evaluates according to the recognized rules of evaluation art. Expertise in the meantime are some days or weeks elapsed until the real estate expert opinion reaches the customer. The often extensive expertise explains the principal and explains how it comes to the calculated value of the real estate. Fees usually affected parties, it can go for the considerable assets, is essentially the real estate value of the identified interests. For the preparation of the opinion was settled until several months ago, according to the fee schedule for architects and engineers. Depending on the value of the object, a four-digit euro amount can be placed by the expert in accounting.

Extrajudicial use concerns in determining real estate value, for example, the price at time of purchase or sale, assets, family conflict or estate planning, an online real estate assessment can provide a current guideline. As a second opinion she, real estate valuation, generated via the Internet is also suitable. Time a valuation online is quickly created. The users are guided through a catalog with understandable questions about the object. Some criteria are already stored in selection boxes and must be ticked only. After the acquisition of essential data, exact location database values are combined with the user information. The combination of the object of the user and the values from the database an individual becomes immediately Real estate valuation generated and made available to the customer. Money the detailed assessment of real estate over the Internet is possible for Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria, and the Switzerland. Location values are all stored and available at any time immediately. For an individual property value discovery over the Internet, the fee is 39 euros. Differently than usual at the real estate appraisals, there a money-back guarantee in the real estate assessment according to the method of Dr. Barzel. Should the user guide or the assessment method the customer be dissatisfied, he regains the evaluation fee. Competitive speed is a competitive advantage, if in a real estate transaction to react quickly and safely. Time and place play no role in the online real estate valuation. The high degree of flexibility and evaluation accuracy make the online valuation to a commonly used tool. More information can be found under:


A restructuring of its mortgage lending in the eye who can now get a good offer. Construction financing is a difficult issue and it is not easy to find a suitable loan, which can finance a home. Often happen, that multiple loans are completed, which then ensure that a real estate can be purchased or built. If when calculating the credit, or calculating the costing not careful is respected, individual interest rates and the associated rates are as high, may occur often problems. As a result, borrowers have multiple creditors, who must be satisfied and not rarely the overview of the loans is quickly lost. It is worth to make a debt restructuring. Restructuring can help in every case, bundling many loans on a creditor.

Basically, a loan with a creditor is recorded at debt consolidation, to finance so that the other loans or their rates. Can the Bank for the loan for debt consolidation a traced Bank be or but also a completely new institution with attractive conditions. It is important that rates high is chosen for the restructuring, which is pleasant to pay and their financial burden is not too high. This and other things should be well negotiated in the contract. Should also be discussed how to proceed is if there should be problems with the installment.

Some banks can be arranged quite, that the loans itself, for example based on their installment for a while can be exposed. Thus, the borrower has the option to pay other costs, incurred in the meantime, and to then again fully concentrate on the repayment of its loan. A debt restructuring is among other things to keep in mind that it can take very long for low installment. But it is a safe way to secure his home in any case. It is important to communicate honestly to very clearly from the outset with the Bank. As a result of the global financial crisis is to observe that the interest rates for loans are develop in very different ways. Borrowers who take debt into account, can capitalize it. Anyone who would like to make a loan via refinancing cheaper, has the option to find attractive offers and compare the financial crisis. Thus, long-term and expensive loans can be replaced by new loans, which have a lower term. At some banks, cheap loans for a percentage of 3.59% per annum are to have what is extremely cheap. The construction financing can be conditioned so fine better by clever comparisons.

