Tag: religion

The Tarot In The Service Of Mind

March 19, 2016


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All states of the human mind can be decoded at a meeting of clairvoyance and of course in a reading of tarot cards. Charts Section of the upcoming events and so that the person consulting can see your own reality. In the tarot cards is the mind that directs events through energy poured into the esoteric meeting, if the person speaks or acts with a negative thought, then the letters would behave in the same way. All moods reside in the mind. The tarot and divination as it can not be otherwise well. If the consultant is subjected to a general circulation must be willing to accept the facts resulting from the circulation, giving way later to decide for themselves what they want, but certainly when the cards speak the true nature of crops like oil water. For clairvoyance and tarot the thoughts that come at the meeting are more subtle energies are manifested in the organ of perception, seeing service with the sole purpose of clearing any doubts arise. In divination sessions the consultant must be willing to control his mind to inquire on the most intimate of human beings. The wisdom of tarot cards is often a valuable guide for use in divination sessions, resulting in the vibration causing events to be revealing and feeling like a soft and subtle sound, because like so many other things in life times of plenty and happiness, we usually tend to be expected, although it is noteworthy that tarot cards and clairvoyance will point us how and when to turn over the periods of unrest and insecurity caused by the experiences that lead to the consultant to go through difficult times, these being part of learning to be undergone in this experience called life. Berta de la Torre


November 19, 2015


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Unhappyly many companies are not obtaining spoon all the fruits that have right. She is known that in the companies we find problems material, financial and human. How to decide them? She is very easy to explain: Therefore while the devil comes to, To steal, To kill and To destroy, Ours Mr. Jesus came stops in giving to a life and a life to them with abundance. Jo 10,10 ' ' My friends, vocs know that our wealth comes of this ours ofcio' ' (business, company, work). Acts 29:25 b Then, if the entrepreneur is not harvesting everything what he has right, something is missed.

Normally the companies contract professionals for Motivacionais Lectures on: Human resources, As To increase Its Sales, As To manage with efficiency, As to get Profits, As To please its Head, As To prevent Wastefulnesses, Atingimento de Metas, As To prevent Conflicts and, for measure there! Unhappyly they forget that it has a side spiritual in everything this. The world spiritual is much more real of what it is imagined We are not saying of espiritismo or ocultismo, far of this! For who he does not know the man is a Spirit that has a soul and inhabits a body. He is not toa that the Evanglicas Churches are growing in all Brazil. Already we are more than 40.000.000. Many times the entrepreneur, its company, or its employees are affected in its ' ' alma' ' is necessary to make some thing.

She is necessary to disinfect it, to clean it. The great success of the professionals who write Books of ' ' Auto; ' – ' ' Auto; ' they use and they explore ' ' alma' ' of the human being, for in such a way, many use of the Saying Book of our beloved and millenarian Sacred Bible. We need is to spiritual fortify the entrepreneur and its employees so that it in such a way has growth and development of the Company as of the Employees. Before becoming me Evanglico, Minister, Professor of Theology, I was Executive of Companies, Business consultant and Entrepreneur, therefore, I know ' ' another one lado' '. Here it is some of the subjects that we talk in the companies: Administration of the Money Administration of Life Financial Freedom Why I have financial difficulties? It has Biblical base for Strategical Planning? Will of God or Disorganization? Time of Decision! Strategy Spiritual Banishes its macaquinhos! It plans, for glory of God Reconstructing the Walls (the company) Placon Joo – Minister – Professor of Theology – Palestrante Evanglico – Contributor

Sacred Knowledge

November 8, 2014


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The medinico development must be used two basic pillars: the study and the development (AZEVEDO, 2009, P. 22). The knowledge does not only fit to the guide spiritual, therefore the knowledge developed for it, when incorporated, it belongs. Mdium must search its proper knowledge, through the study, helping itself mutually, supplying good conditions to them of work.

, One mdium thus wise will be attended by espritos of the same level, offering to it ‘ ‘ moral and mental conditions for tal’ ‘ (ORPHANAKE, 1995, P. 67). Therefore, ‘ ‘ the instruction and the knowledge are part of f’ ‘ (AZEVEDO, 2009, p.23). Another common factor to the houses of umbanda, as well as in candombl, is the initiation rituals, that introduce the fidiciary office in the religion. However, they vary of house for house, and generally they are divided in: manifestation, adaptation, baptism, cult and the works, also calls of obligations or party (AZEVEDO, 2009, P. 20-45).

The use of grass is another aspect that deserves attention. They are used to a large extent of the sacred rituals, mainly in the banns and sacudimentos, with function to balance the energies, as much of the environment, how much of the body. The banns can be classified in: I unload, defense and energizao. Being that they are used of forms you specify for each in case that, therefore each person has differentiated guides (AZEVEDO, 2009, p.48-49). The same importance is given eb, that it is a purificao ritual, or an offering pra to reequilibrar the energies of the son with the ones of its orixs. Very it is used by umbanda of nation. Only for this end must exclusively be used, never to desire the evil to any person (AZEVEDO, 2009, P. 55). The respect to oldest is another principle that deserves prominence. In umbanda, the more age has the individual, more respected it is.

