Tag: society & social issues
All-day Schools Discriminate Against Children With Special Needs
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News from the Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e. V. The BVL, Bundesverband dyslexia and dyscalculia, receives many complaints from parents, because no special education often takes place despite amble. The expansion of full-day school should help especially the children who are socially disadvantaged and whose Eltern can take care not adequate the educational needs of their children. Now it has become in practice that afternoon mostly just a homework tutoring is offered due to the missing teacher hours. If you would like to know more about Maurice Gallagher, Jr., then click here. For children with partial output errors, such as a dyslexia and dyscalculia, not enough that, to support them more. Jan is in the 4th grade and has dyslexia will be afternoon informally.
We had to cancel now promoting non-formal, because Jan, if he comes after 16: 00 from school, wants only his peace”, his mother laments. Jan was promoted informally since the third grade, because there were no dyslexia tutoring in school because of the prevailing shortage of teachers. Now his mother had the hope that Jan introduction would be promoted the all-day school. The headmaster told me that she would like to set up a remedial, you are only 22 cents per student per hour in addition to the available per child after the reform. Without additional funding from the parents was possible”only a homework, Jan’s mother tells us. The BVL sees here the urgent need for action, because the school is the responsibility to teach reading, writing and arithmetic to the children. The school laws established that all children should receive individual support.
Schools may not repositories”for children are, but must ensure that children are qualified talent justice. The social gap is not closed so, except by the questionable effect, that now even children whose parents can finance after-school funding, receive no school funding. Calls for the BVL Responsible on here urgently to remedy the situation and to ensure to fulfill their educational mission for a qualified school promotion. The Federal Association of dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V.: the Federal Association for dyslexia and Dyscalculia e.V. for over 30 years and is a representation of the interests of victims and their parents as well as professionals (teachers, psychologists, doctors, scientists and in the social area), which in theory and practice with the dyslexia and dyscalculia deal. He contributes legal bases and scientific as well as practical ways of help in all provinces to be created and improved. Personal consulting, publications and advice on appropriate literature, parents should learn better understand the difficulties of their affected children. The BVL promotes the research and scientific dialogue among professionals of all disciplines involved with scientific congresses and publications. Information and cooperation with the media, the BVL makes known the problems of dyslexic and Dyskalkuliker.
politicssociety & social issues
No Smoking Ban Necessary?
Technical solution can ensure non-smoker protection the non smoking protection laws make the innkeepers no joy. According to the German of hotel and Restaurant Association (DEHOGA), many small pubs already has revenues of more than 20 percent. And the future looks much better: according to the judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court, the federal countries are committed to recast the legislation for the protection of non-smokers by the end of 2009. Easing the smoking ban for small restaurants and pubs under 75 qm would be possible, as it is practiced in many federal States-transitional. But also a total ban on smoking in all catering establishments is possible. The land of North Rhine-Westphalia is a special way.
In the non smoking Protection Act from the Dusseldorf Ministry of labour is laid down that exceptions to the smoking ban are possible, if the non-smoker protection is ensured through technical measures ( 3 para 8 NiSchG NRW). Technical non-smoker protection mean concretely: protection of non-smokers through the use of smoking cabins or air purifiers. Modern smoke filters remove more than 99 percent of all pollutants from the air as the result of an investigation by the Institute for occupational safety and health of the German statutory accident insurance. Present non-smokers health protection is thus ensured. So is the technical non-smoker protection solution for gastronomy? More and more restaurant owners and associations put on this possibility. “For a total smoking ban could hit especially hard the German restaurateur: thousands barkeepers fear for their existence”, warns Ernst Fischer, Chairman of the Association of the DEHOGA. While many restaurant owners are in favour of the non-smoker protection. The health protection of guests and employees an important role also in the hospitality industry”, reports Lothar Wuttke.
Three-quarters of all German non-smoking are also. Hardly a pub owner may waive this target group”, as Wuttke, Managing Director of bis company green line. The company is equipped with a Many of individual solutions for corner pubs, smoking clubs, separate smoking rooms or smoking outdoor areas for nearly 20 years first point of contact in all questions regarding the technical protection of non-smokers. Lothar Wuttke has now spoken with thousands of business owners. His conclusion: The technical non-smoker protection is the problem of smoke for the hosts. The smokers can smoke and still no one is bothered by tobacco smoke or endangered.
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Tempelhofer Damm
So, among other things, the Autobahn for the event should be locked on three nights. An absolute novelty, the fireworks from the Tempelhofer Damm also blocked because, after all, is already good to see. Provides while the highway stand out views of the airfield, it is very doubtful whether so many viewers on the run-up to come, that this is justified. Amazing, therefore, is the fact that the authorities either at all want to know nothing, either it would be for them all in the short term, and it could therefore nothing to say, or you push it when requesting each other to the jurisdiction. After all, the Pyromusikale already for a half year is city-wide announced on posters.
The competent City Council in the District of Tempelhof-Schonberg, who is responsible for the approval of fireworks, is unreachable but until beginning of fireworks according to his authority while in the service. A spokesman of the Action Alliance: You can call anyone you want, nobody is responsible. A concerned Local residents showed the beginning of mowing and the destruction of the breeding grounds of there native birds in the police, was dismissed on the grounds, you don’t know the laws. A spokesman of the Action Alliance: Yes every Berlin, we enjoy the pleasure of a successful Fireworks and we welcome anyone who can visit the Tempelhof airport. We are also clearly of the opinion that every visitor should be aware, that he supports a very dubious practice for authorisation of the competent authorities on the one with his visit and on the other hand takes the killing of wildlife and fauna on this terrain implied in purchase for a short term pleasure. It is our opinion but more meaningful, to visit the “real” Pyronale in the Olympic Stadium/Maifeld. This takes place in a more suitable environment for years without causing ecological floor damage.
The situation coincides with the fair “Bread and butter”, for the very generous reconstruction most grade II listed buildings were approved and the date of the event locked even the complete Platz der Luftbrucke, was. Furthermore, clearly shows this exploitation strategy on the example of the Fireworks: here the city competes with is each other. Existing resources be destroyed elsewhere and deducted in a best-case scenario. Several fairs and various other events, which previously took place at other sites in Berlin, are now moved to Tempelhof. This full-bodied celebrates Klaus Wowereit as a great success of its subsequent use and site policy. “The author details: Action Alliance be-4-tempelhof.
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Rene Bandung
November 29, 2018
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Evelyn Vaughan
2011 there were already more than 700,000. This corresponds to an increase of about 605. Out of shame many pensioners without 4 increase in resin, even though they are entitled to do so. That’s why are 400,000 Hartz 4 ledeglich – Aufstocker listed for 2009. A small consolation is when one is cynical. And I think, for the ladies and gentlemen from the economy Ministry secretly killed the following facts. 5. poor die sooner new, official figures show: low-income die sooner as earners.
Within just ten years life of former low wage earners in retirement age has shortens the significantly: between 2001 and 2010 by an average of 77.5 years to 75.5 years. In the East even more from 77.9 years to 74.1 years. The death age increased, however, for employees with above-average income from 82.5 to 83.4 years. The Cologne poverty researcher Christoph Butter ways has a simple explanation: the pressure on people in the low-wage sector is consistently higher in his words, the health care worse, life expectancy lower. That low income earners contribute by unhealthy lifestyle to do so itself, he considers comprehensible. Who have their concerns, stun rather with cigarettes and alcohol. The Federal Association of lung doctors found plausible the current statistics: the average smoker will lose as a result of his addiction in the average ten years of life. This effect sufficient, to explain the shortened life expectancy of education layers, specialists say.
6 conclusion: Change is needed a radical market principles-facing social and pension policy leads to extreme social upheavals, injustices and mass impoverishment. As soon as the person is conceived only as human capital and cost factor for the host chat site Germany, his dignity is believed him. Freedom and democracy will follow. We need systemic change; the present one It is not reformed. The construction of a social ecological democracy compliant market economy under removal of destructive financial and capital management is possible. Many people, organisations and institutions are already doing to discuss and create first models. Black-Yellow, which is the free-market radicalism requires, will prevent the transformation as long as they are in power. Therefore, it is important until the next Bundestag election to convince as many people of the need for a change and also to move this vote.
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