Tag: the news

Millionaire Thought

December 21, 2017


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One of the most important attitudes for the financial success is to think in the long term. The successful people think long about the future, and fit their daily behavior to guarantee that their goals are fulfilled in the long term. Certainly, for me, when I directed myself like independent industralist, the unique thing who wanted was to be millionaire. To be rich, frees and to have all along for my same one. A thing is safe, this is perfectly attainable for any person. But in the reality, you must take a step simultaneously. The key is to establish more specific goals to the short term, will lead that you to the accomplishment of your goals to the long term.

One by one, step by step, to fulfill and to surpass each short term goal and you will be able to realise more in the space of a year that what many reach in a life. Here I indicate to you how to do it Vamos to create the Way to the Success: There are many different areas in your life that they must align itself so that I reach everything what you want. Nevertheless, for many people, to know really what they want is a thing difficult to respond (the financial freedom, to be millionaire, etc). Until they do not identify what really they wish, simply they do not have any possibility of obtaining it. Therefore, when completing this exercise I go to mostrarte that you will begin to attract your life people, the tools, the finances, the joy and the happiness that you need to obtain everything what you want. Here we go Step 1: I want to begin by the list of the most important areas of your life. For example, I have categorisen mine in: Family, Health, Spiritual Wealth and. Yours they can be similar, you can add others, like the aspirations of your race.

Venezuelan School

December 20, 2017


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In relation to the school it limits Gerver Towers, in his book a Dream for Venezuela: the Venezuelan parents (worldwide, the cursive ones are mine) we must involve to us thoroughly in the education of our children much more. The participation that we have today very poor and is limited. In some cases one takes place a type of participation of the parents and representatives in the activities of the school, but very centered in tasks of logistical support or financial operative raffles, fairs, verbenas and of cleaning, are the type of activities in which usually we participate to the parents and representatives generally and, this is also the type of contribution that the school demands of us. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Southwest Airlines. The author adds: Our participation – as parents and representatives – he must extend to the pedagogical aspects of the school. We must be informed on the contents, programs and practices of education; to know the methodologies that the teachers and professors use, to involve us in the internal organization of the school. The familiar education and the reality of the Latin American family Given the complexity of the present surroundings (economic, social and political problems), the family needs to raise the level of answer the demands that the surroundings impose, thus to provide an education that, on the one hand, prepares the people to face these realities; and on the other, she preserves the continuity of the democratic systems; right systems, that generate honour culture; progress systems; that it trains citizens under coexistence principles, honour and respect.

Now, in many countries (Latin America example), the family, generally, is not raising the answer level that is required to assume this responsibility, this because the family is in crisis and state of deterioration like institution. Phenomena as the divorce, the abandonment, the domestic violence, etc., have become something common. The degree of familiar disfunctionality of the modern society in our countries is alarming.

Computer Service Engineer

November 25, 2017


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The formation of the computer science engineer in the University of Ciencias Informticas (UCI), includes a system of knowledge, abilities and values, that allow him to put themselves to the service of the Cuban society and all the humanity. The necessity to develop more competent professionals of ample profile, makes possible that in Curricular Diseo of the race, extracurricular subjects that supported in the Technologies of Computer science and the Communications they facilitate to develop in the new surroundings of learnings designs of educative but open, flexible Models and developers are included. What professor, regardless of what it is its matter, does not need that their students read in classes? The professor of History, requires of the reading commented for the analysis of the contents to try; the one of Mathematical because among others elements, in their activities, must read problems to solve; the one of Physics; the one of Programming; in short, all require of the reading, without her could not develop their teaching. And then, why not to work from her the words with orthographic difficulties? Not necessarily by means of some rule, but making see its correct spelling them, asking to them they copy that them in his notebooks with ” conciencia” of grafemas composes that them, asking to them they consider that them in the answers that offer and soon causing a revision with the table companion, or a car revision from the slate, or better still, from the east and text book then he will be more functional, and will contribute the professors of this form to develop what ” is being called; ortogrfica” brings back to consciousness;. It cannot be alleged against this proposal, that it does not reach the time after its subject, because if the student in more important his estatus, the one of person, needs the knowledge the matter, most elementary of this knowledge it is that the basic vocabulary writes with property.

SMEs Challenge

February 22, 2017


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The great companies initiated of zero, with the minimum of employees and the basic resources to produce. Nevertheless, they do not represent the majority, hundreds of small and medians companies fail, do not develop the capacity to become solid businesses and to be developed until reaching a level positions that them in a privileged place. The statistics demonstrate that more of 50% of the SMEs they fail in the first year. Learn more at this site: Cyrus Massoumi. The first company that is constructed requires of a period of much learning, not only it consists of throwing it to walk, but it implies an investment, to let it grow and in addition to learn on the march. He is not simple, if outside it would do everybody it.

It implies a greater challenge, and a challenge for which owns an enterprising spirit. How to obtain that a small company is transformed into a great company? This is the definition that Brad Sugars does of a business: A PROFITABLE COMMERCIAL BUSINESS THAT WORKS WITHOUT MY the objective is to obtain that the owner of business surpasses the stage where has car to be used and it turns into a true owner. The definition of Sugars is simply powerful because it implies in his totality the most important part of the company: THE OWNER. If the owner most of spends his time to be used in his business, when he will be the owner? How he will meet the challenge to see his developing project and in addition enjoy greater freedom financier as personal as much? In order to construct a business it is important that YOU TAKE ACTION NOW. " A commercial business " Action 1. – Money: It is necessary that you have information on your investment, sales and utilities. And to be certainly you receive benefits of your sales. Product This one corresponds to the satisfaction of your clients, and the quality that you offer to them.


November 28, 2016


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This attitude is an invitation to the failure. The members of the equipment feel inclusively disillusioned and, abiertamente hostile. For this type of companies, the political behaviors are those that are used to obtain this type of activities by part the people in charge of the organization being promoted particular interests and with strategic operations where the actor defines the aim that wants or it interests to him to reach, combining the means that are necessary in the attainment. The power, is not obtained here by the consensus, nor by rotation but by domination: the one that aprocura the Mobbing maintains a relation with harassed which places in disposition to carry out its own will to him, pesea to the resistance of the other . Lawrence Ellison does not necessarily agree. The Mobbing is used in this type of organizations like an instrument to undo of employees for which they use the tactics of the desperation, psychic exhaustion to undo of them without it supposes an economic cost for the company. The strategies that are used go the destruction of the victim by means of the stigmatisation where the pursuer puts in practice all strategy of harassment with behaviors whose purpose is the one to ridicule and to separate to the victim socially (or to try it at least), in this case we spoke of a descendent power which this related to the rational-bureaucratic model whose strategy usually it is by a trajabajador of superior category whose authority is formalized and legitimized by the organization it exerts the coercion cradle in the fear the consequences like the functional degradation. Another strategy, within this power can be to maintenance of alliances with people of the group in an exercise of fidelities that they try the divisions between the components of the same and the lack of solidarity; one is to influence in the subordinates in exchange for benefits, allowances to be able of the prize, or also by means of persuasion with symbolic prizes, for example the possibility of professional development and another strategy are the cradle in the control of the information or power of knowledge maintaining the control to the access of information to posibililtar the decision making. .

Venezuelan Management

August 22, 2016


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It is not necessary to dream about a paradisiac society in which all the conflicts have been solved. It is necessary to accept that always conflicts will exist, and is even necessary to accept that the misfortune cannot be eliminated. I would say, even that as we are happier also we are more vulnerable to the misfortune. Edgard Morin General aspects and considerations The reality of the national scene demand of changes, of an effective, visionary, proactive management, that has known to interpret, to diagnose the situation, more when there is an intervention of the present State protagonist of the Bolivariana revolution that she has generated changes, challenges and dice passage to threats and opportunities, entails to that it is counted on an enterprise management able to cause the actions that guarantee, not only the survival of the companies under his position, but a dynamic participation, where their roll is beneficial, not only for the country, but for all integrates that it, even for the same causes of the interests of government for its commitmentto rescue to the country of the delay to where been he has put under per years Numerous models represent and personify to the companies and the competitive and successful leaders of today. The Venezuelan management, of many of their companies has beenmanaged and still they continue it doing by executives with very little knowledge of the administration, guaranteed by the learned thing of an empirical way, without to have happened through a university formal formation. Feeding itself on the experience, and of course properly protected for being member (often) of the family of the owners or great friendships, especially in which to the SMEs it concerns. In the present, it is required of a new type of managemental leadership, more, before the great challenges, threats and opportunities that the present national scene and the international even present/display, otherwise, always there will be a delay in efficient, productive the performance that is required of the companies to participate in dynamic scenes, turbulent, competitive. .

