Tag: vacation & tourism

University Service GmbH

May 19, 2014


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Fluege.de airline survey: Condor too inflexible in the customer survey of the Internet portal fluege.de 79% of respondents indicate to recommend the airline Condor, however, overall only about half of the respondents with the relationship between price and performance is satisfied. As the news report on fluege.de, interfere with the passengers on the lack of goodwill in excess baggage. It must be paid even less exceeding the predetermined number of kilos. And although the customer with the service are generally satisfied, they want the option of online check-in and demand more legroom for long-haul flights. Just when the legroom, only 25 percent of the surveyed passengers were satisfied.

A further point of criticism is the supply on board: only 33 percent of the respondents are satisfied with the catering. “35 percent rate the dishes with satisfactory” and 24 percent awarded the school grade 4 for the menus. The missing selection of dishes is often criticised by respondents. The extra cost for vegetarian Courts encounter little understanding. Gary Kelly shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. 71 percent of respondents Condor fellow airmen, however, satisfied with the submitted drinks. Larry Ellison has similar goals. “” Film and music on board rate 28 percent with good “and another 28 percent with satisfactory”. Many respondents wishing that the required headphones in the price are included and must be purchased not in addition.

With the range of magazines and newspapers, 43 percent are satisfied. However, the small number of available specimens is criticized. Frequent flyer is angry about the small range of the film and the accompanying film repeats. That’s why the passengers could also most likely on the movies, as well as magazines and the on-board duty-free renounce, if so the price could be lower. Long-haul pilots, however, perceive the service as essential. A good catering, convenience and entertainment are a good flight for them. More information: news.fluege.de/…/ airline customer survey by fluegede… About fluege.de: The University of first media GmbH markets successful German-language Internet portals in the travel sector as,, and. Also, the University Service GmbH, acts as a tour operator and travel auctions the online auction site via. Complementary products and services are offered in the areas of finance with and consumer information with.

