Tao Divine One

August 23, 2020


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We are told, that we are cosmic antennae to share and give everything for our awakening, know our opportunity and cultivate what dominates our Tao Divine spirit. Taken into account, says the cited source, that the consciousness of the majority of human beings is very locked. Vessel of life, the structure of the body’s cells and particles of the soul, are full of opinions, ideas, customs and human dogmas, only when the man hears or reads over and over again, fundamental divine laws, that make possible a life of the spirit, also his conscience can capture them slowly on the other hand brings us tuluzinterior.com, we are all part of the same spirit. And however, we must take our place in the world. One should take their place in the world. The place that our hearts knows that we must deal with, do the things that our hearts know that we have to do, regardless of the geographic location in which our body is. Because we are where we are one is the center of the universe. It is not something Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries would like to discuss. And God’s heart beats in our chest.We take our place in the world.

There is a gift that one can only make offerings. A look that only one can play. Learn more about this with Munear Ashton Kouzbari. We have a mission to accomplish. And this mission is present in every part of our being, as they are fingerprints on our fingers and eyes on our face. Don’t read it or interpret it. You need to live it. Because our mission more beyond being something that we feel in our hearts, is our heart. To delve into our inner Temple will find that necessary information that will allow us to determine the why we are, what our reason for being, what we should do to take advantage of the time that are permitted to be and make progress in the spiritual.

