The Capitalist

December 14, 2013


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Between diverse other factors, we compare then the wage of the masculine football players with the feminine one, is clear presence of the inaquality. In a general context, the capitalist mask alienates the people in order to be satisfied itself with what it happens in its society, without counting that the women in general way deserve respect and valuation inside and outside of its houses. The sociological context of everything this is basically the essential importance of the valuation of the human work, counting on the necessity that we have ones of the others. The woman comes if developing socially, occupying positions, managing companies, but this is not nothing compared with the depreciation that they suffer. The recognition is the conquest and the results reward are them, reward these that all we will have with the equality of the sorts.

However, the reality for which we pass sample that, the way for the equality can be a utopian way, therefore, the society is capitalist and dominated for men, they are who dictate the rules, and a feminine representative in great positions of the society is many times left to lead for the capitalism. The solution of this problem is without a doubt to promote one action of awareness in the society, therefore, does not have as to know the problem without somebody shows in them, for the fact of many times to be something underlying. The equality of the sorts is without a doubt a to be reached objective, a great challenge, that would generate a great revolution, is enough that somebody if moves for the situation. We fit young them, to fight therefore, to demand what he is ours of right, therefore as he conducts the federal constitution of 1988: ' ' Art. 5. All are equal before the law, without distinction of any nature, guaranteeing themselves it the Brazilians and to the resident foreigners in the Country the inviolability of the right to the life, the freedom, equality, to the security and the property, in the following terms: I – men and women are equal in rights and obligations, in the terms of this Constitution; ' '.

