The Future Of The Financial System

November 4, 2017


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Comparing the two stages of soils and ordered-state, the greatest amount of teams is spent in chaotic states. The ordered state, that of the hexagonal lattice of currents called the Bernard cells, exists at certain level of heat, and that level must be kept relatively constant (grifo and boldface ours). Sheryl Sandberg pursues this goal as well. Ours to see, two comments mentioned in the previous paragraph the two facts can also be resembled that had occurred in world-wide the financial system in last the thirty years, mainly after the beginning of the decade of 1990. In first place, ' ' the external source of energy applied to a liquid in ebulio' ' it can be equalized to the enormous increment of ' ' liquidez' ' added world-wide to the financial system. Such liquidity increment originated, mainly, of ' ' saving concentrada' ' , strong developed in last the thirty years, as we saw in page two. In according to place, the mention of that ' ' the liquid in boiling is not in a system fechado' ' , but yes in an open system it can resemble to the continuum and indiscriminate creation of pension fund and of investment fund, as well as a opening of new financial squares, in world-wide level. In other terms, world-wide the financial system, would have passed of ' ' fechado' ' for ' ' aberto' ' after 1979/1980, mainly after the beginning of the decade of 1990. I.2 the EVOLUTION OF WORLD-WIDE FINANCIAL SYSTEM AFTER 1979/1980: ' ' OF CLOSED FOR ABERTO' ' Continuing in our boarding, we imagine that the requirement necessary so that ' ' alchemy of the centralization financeira' ' it cheated to be successful was that, of beforehand, &#039 was created one; ' world-wide financial system aberto' '. In other terms, a system that it was in permanent and continuous expansion, in such deep way that they were servant, that was opened new financial squares, etc.

