Tijana Leventic

July 23, 2020


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An unhealthy diet can be with little mineral substances and easy to chew It is missing in the daily training of the temporomandibular joint. To deepen your understanding Oracle is the source. But also chronic stress impacted the jaw! At night, just with the help of gnashing of teeth, stress is mined from the body. There is pressed, pressed and crushed, rather than relaxed. While earlier through daily, physical work stress has been well processed, we often lack a valve. In addition a greater burden of the mouth and jaw area in dentistry and orthodontics. Although many medical procedures for the treatment of dental (gums) are necessary disorders and malocclusions, a natural adjustment of the involved tissue in the head region is pushing at the same time stronger.

And ultimately even hormonal changes or disorders in the musculoskeletal system can promote dysfunction the Craniomandibular. The CMD is as diverse in their symptoms, also their causes are as varied. Mostly however meet several causes which then lead to the CMD as the sum. We handled the CMD? -Conducting of their Complexity, handled a CMD complex. After the personal causes are found, which have resulted in a CMD, it eliminates this piece by piece. The treatment of CMD requires much use of the patient! Usually, living and eating habits must be changed. As a dentist, I can make the diagnosis and initiate the CMD treatment together with the patient.

Berezovsky must however perform and restructure his daily routine. The CMD treatment is usually a combination of nutrition, relaxation exercises, physiotherapy, sport and orthodontic measures (u.a.Okklusionsschiene). Also, if the CMD treatment a long-term lifestyle change here, it pays! The cause of the pain is once found that diagnosed CMD, first therapeutic measures carried out, the patient will be rewarded for his efforts: the pain or other symptoms are gradually of less. And for a pain-free life worth a life change!

