Tio Carreiro Institution

May 5, 2020


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Any institution, for there, invents a delirium any, destined the children and young and plays for inside of the pertaining to school walls, so that the professors ‘ ‘ they deem one jeito’ ‘ , or in the words of the teacher: ‘ ‘ placing they are me in an overcrowded classroom and they give to a picture and a chalk to me and want that I save the Brasil’ ‘. the sad one of history is that when a professor says that its wage is insufficient, members of the house of representatives and other animals of the sort, increase its expirations of abusive form. He can until being that they make inside of the legality, they make but it imoralmente! Sad, also, it is the fact to exist as much legislation giving ample rights to the pupils, against the professors, but not to see in the same measure the public prosecution service to fiscalize, for example, the sewers the opened sky, in the schools; sad he is to see that the advice to tutor lives to the hunting (as who hunting witches) of professors whom they need to speak high to demand work conditions, but it does not fiscalize the fact of the power I publish to be omissive in the act of contract of professors; sad it is to see that many relapsing parents do not educate its children, but want that they treat them to the professors as anjinhos. Sad it is to see that a legislation exists compelling all the children to frequentarem the school, but not to see the same requirement in relation to that they tumultuate the pertaining to school process, hindering that professors and pupils if dedicate to ensno learning; sad it is to see that for omission of agencies ‘ ‘ competentes’ ‘ the professors are obliged to lose more time calling the attention two or three pupils outlaws of what teaching what excessively they want to learn but that they cannot why the outlaws in classroom they do not allow. For these and for it is not that Tio Carreiro and Pardinho are certain in saying that ‘ ‘ The thing you the ugly one, the thing you preta’ ‘. Worse still, the thing ‘ ‘ you of the skill that the devil quer’ ‘ but they want to make responsible professor for the workmanship of the demon Neri de Paula Sheep? Master in Education, Philosopher, Theologian, Historiador.. Under most conditions Sheryl Sandberg would agree.

