Vegetal Contractors

October 11, 2015


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This Ambient Plan if destines, therefore, to the presentation of the criteria, the conditions and the obligations of ambient character the one that will be submitted the contractors contracted for the workmanship of magnifying of the company. This specification of ambient cares will be distributed as attached of the proclamation of competition for the workmanships, in such way that, knowing it anticipatedly, the competing contractors take in account the involved costs in the control of the pollution and the ambient degradation to establish the prices offered in its proposals. To the measure that details actions specified in this Ambient Plan, they are presented in complementary character and sequentially to this plan, the following Ambient Plans: Par n1: Prevention of Containment of Erosive Processes and Instabilizaes.

Par n2: Monitoramento de Erosive Processos? Par n3: Vegetal resetting? Par n 4: Prevention to the Forest fires? Par n5: Recovery of Ambient Liabilities 2. JUSTIFICATION In function of the potential alterations in the environment due to the actions directed to the implantation of the increase workmanships of the capacity of the company, mainly as for the pollution of waters (for combustible and lubricative oils, sanitary sewers, assoreamentos), ground (for the discarding of solid and liquid residues, also asphalt) and air (for the dust and smoke), as well as by noises and vibrations, that will have to occur in the areas of the workmanships, seedbeds, service ways, and its in lathes, must be accomplished writ of prevention if corrective, aiming at to eliminate and to reduce its deleterious effect. Such procedures will have to be adopted by the constructors, and to be demanded by the fiscalization, in the diverse involved activities in the workmanships, since the phase of installation, until the phase of demobilization. On the other hand, it is also basic to make possible to the contractors, previously to the elaboration of its proposals, esteem the involved resources and costs in the fulfilment of the ambient requirements, what equally it requires the knowledge of the ambient norms of construction that will be adopted by the contractors. 3. OBJECTIVE the objective of this work is to show the actions to be undertaken and the minimum ambient criteria to be respected for the contractors who come to be contracted for the services of construction of any of the workmanships that are part of the project of magnifying of the capacity of the company. In this general objective they are involved: To minimize the losses of natural resources? To minimize the alterations in the quality of waters of rivers and streams ebb tide of workmanships and seedbeds; To minimize the presence of insects, odors, pollution of the ground; To control the level of noises, vibrations and pollution of air, mainly in the neighborhoods of areas of urban occupation.

