Web Page Optimization

June 19, 2018


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It is a fact that having a business, the Internet, helps us open ourselves only markets in the global network. That is, whatever our business, if you have a website, will not help customers away from the Internet, but with those who are interested in this field. This, not just empty words, is very important that simple enough, you forget a lot of people, myself that is more concerned about the markets, "tangible" (print advertising, promotional items, etc..) That the large Internet market. Definitely, when a user browses the World Wide Web, do not enter each of the pages to find something besides this would be impossible for obvious reasons, the most logical thing is to go to a search engine and try to find accurate information. Due to this reason alone, we can deduce that the most practical method to obtain views on our site, is definitely well positioned in the Internet search engines … but how? … First, we must attract users that interest us, ie we must conduct a detailed investigation of the key words that best define the services offered by our website.

For that, we certainly met our competence and know how to get there. We investigate the companies offering the same services as us, learn from their weaknesses and apply them to our advantage, see the words through which we could reach them within a web browser, among other things. On this basis we construct an index of words that describe our services to perfection, but also it is combined with the way that people looking for them. To facilitate this task and you have multiple tools, one of which can be found. Do not select keywords only for the main page or Index, if the Web has more than one page, it is logically because you have distributed the content items within a topic, you must analyze them and find words that are specific and according to the contents of the sections of Site, these words or phrases should be placed in the code in the header, and do not forget to put in each of the pages an adequate description and individualized by topic. In recent months, Bernard Golden has been very successful. This is regarding the code for the content of your website, ie what is printed on the visitors screen, you should also put keywords, while avoiding abuse them, as this is one of the actions is unpopular with many search engines.

One of the most effective methods of placing keywords on your website, is between the tags H1, H2, H3 … etc. For example, if our website contains games, we can put as a title: Games for free. By placing links or links within our Site must not be forgotten, place in the text of the link, more keywords, and, if you use images as links to surf the Web, we can not forget to place these keywords and even a small description within label using the ALT command, for example Hosting & Web Design, Advertising Integral .

